Wow! Hindsight makes life seem like it flies by.
It's time for the reunion at Glen Rose. As usual I get excited thinking about seeing everyone again. And memories of past good times spent with family at Oakdale flow from so many years gone by that they jumble up together. I'm out of touch. And part of me is wondering if we'll feel more repurcussions of frustrations with us for Dad being in the nursing home. Believe me, I hurt inside ever day knowing I can't change anything.
At this point I toy with the idea that he might come the reunion, then reality sets in that we can't even get him out of bed for five minutes. He loves his bed and yells that he wants to go back to bed if you get him up. He has a really hard time moving around now and I suspect his muscles just won't hold him up anymore because he refuses to get up.
Thanks to everyone who prays for him and goes to see him. It's hard to see him like that I know. But even if he only opens his eyes for a moment he remembers you were there. He recognizes and usually acknowledges everyone quickly. However, one day he did ask me how I was related to him so he has his moments. :(. It seems he's adopted one of the nurses as his wife. He introduced me to her one day. She didn't seemed too charmed by his actions.
Chip and his boys would have to help us take care of him...if he even would consider coming. God is good. Maybe, just maybe. We may have to be content with memories.
Face Book seems to keep us a little more in-the-know about one another. Most people just send junk stuff cuz we run outta stuff to say. lol...(laugh out loud) (that's for those of us who aren't up on the shortcuts) :)
Oakdale Park has been taken over by the City of Glen Rose and their web site indicates that renovations, clean up and remodeling have taken place on some of the cabins. For those of us who've perservered through roaches and yuck, that sound good, eh? Good times with family just outweigh all the "small stuff". The pool just call our name doesn't it?
May was a hard month. Mom's birthday and Mother's day were very tearing. It's hard to believe she's been gone a year in July. I still haven't had the heart to go up and go through pictures and I've got to do that soon. The expense of the house just sitting there with no renters or selling it is becoming pretty heavy. But that's my fault because I procrastinate.
Ernest gathered some info and I'm going to post it in this note. I appreiate that He took the time to research and pull it together. It was good info for me so I'm thinking it will be good for everyone else also.
It's been a couple of years since I've been to the reunion. I did not receive the proceeds of last years auction from Kelly and I'm not sure why. If everyone wants her to take care of the reunion funds I'm okay with it. I have the spreadsheet indicating $ in and out of account linked on the page so anyone can look at what is there. But again, I have no idea of what came in or what went out of the funds last year so we'll have to get that info from her.
Wes has been taking chemo and is due for a scan soon to verify where he's at with all that. Connie had back surgery but is healing. They have the loft least for the first night so maybe we'll have a place to lay our head. Chip and family are planning to come and Deacon and I and I've heard nothing from Connie and Wes...nor Jessica as to their intentions.
I know Joyce Ann and Garland are in Loraine now. It's a good thing we have a reunion cuz even tho family is all around us, life yields lots of activities and keeps us running in different circles so it will be a treat to see everyone.
Blessings to all from Karen :)
Ernest's Info:
After much calling so plans could be arranged, and through varying answers
which might change.
It sounds from what I have been able to gather that most are going to start
arriving at the reunion on Sunday 13, 2010 and leave Wednesday 16, 2010.
This means staying 3 nights of Sunday-Monday, Monday-Tuesday,
If someone only can afford to stay for one night, probably arriving on
Monday and leaving Tuesday would be the best time to catch most activity.
That best night might be the Monday-Tuesday night.
***This information changed while I gathered it, but it still seems to be
these dates are the most solid for the bulk of attendees.
Ernest Murphy